Publications & News
The Hua Nani team is regularly quoted in the news, and we author a range of publications, including in partnership with clients. Below is a selection of recent contributions.
Congress’s once-in-a-generation opportunity to support cleantech innovation
Dawn Lippert and Aimee Barnes
Learning From California’s Ambitious Climate Policy
Aimee Barnes, Ashley Conrad-Saydah Hannah Argento-McCurdy, Angela Luh, & Matthew Gobin
Three things Biden can do to unleash state and local climate action
Aimee Barnes and Sam Ricketts
Taking Commercial Fleet Electrification to Scale: Financing Barriers and Solutions
Robert Gurman, Primary Author and Meredith Alexander, Contributor
Mapping Environmental Justice in the Biden-Harris Administration
Aimee Barnes, Angela Luh, & Matthew Gobin
The Biden Administration Brings State Climate Leadership to the White House
Sam Ricketts, Aimee Barnes, & Christy Goldfuss
How the US and China Could Renew Cooperation on Climate Change
Aimee Barnes, Fan Dai, & Angela Luh
State Climate Leadership Is Coming to the Nation’s Capital in 2021
Sally Hardin, Sam Ricketts, & Aimee Barnes
Kamala Harris is right to propose a managed decline of fossil fuel production
Michael Dobson, Climate Change News